Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Poems of every day life: Geoff Goodfellow

Great poem by Geoff Goodfellow on the lessons learned from everyday events

Geoff Goodfellow

I was reversing out of my driveway
     & signalled to a bloke
to move his car which was in my way

he was a young man twenty-
maybe twenty-two   lots of bottle
blond hair       tousled and spiky
7 his care was about as old
as he was

he was parked in a No Parking zone
& it pissed me off
 as I turned out I drew alongside him-
rolled down my window & growled
   can't you read you idiot         it says
no parking

he looked at me momentarily & said
chill out dude

I set the car into drive
took a left turn       slowly-
and drove down the road laughing

he was right
                      of course.

Geoff Goodfellow is an Australian poet who lives in Adelaide. He has been writing poetry for over 30 years and published 10 books of poetry.  His most recent collection Waltzing with Jack Dancer: a slow dance with cancer  is a record of his survival from throat cancer.

His poems detail the lives of ordinary everyday people whose lives are overlooked and forgotten, including those who occupy the margins of Australian society. These are the voices of people often not found in contemporary Australian poetry and literature.

He has also written and read poems for trade unions.

An article on Geoff Goodfellow from the Age is here.
His website is here.

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