Monday, September 30, 2013

Monday's poem: I am Tired by Ahmad Shafiq Behroozian

This poem by Ahmad Shafiq Behroozian appears in the Poets Basement, a regular poetry section of the CounterPunch online magazine.   

Shafiq is a poet who lives in Afghanistan in Herat, its third largest city.


I am tired,

So tired.

Tired of old dreams that never come true

Tired of having no new dreams

I am tired,

So tired.

Tired of seeing children working instead of playing

Tired of hearing crying young girls, forced to get married instead of getting education

I am tired,

So tired.

Tired of hiding behind this mask,

Tired of living as they wish, not the way I want

I am tired,

So tired.

Tired of living in nowhere

Tired of corruption and cheating

I am tired,

So tired.

Tired of reading the stories that never been written

Tired of listening to all these sad songs

I am tired,

So tired.

I want to move,

I want to fly

But I am tired,

So tired.

I want to shout

I want to cry

But I am tired,

So tired.

I am scared of being kidnapped

I am even more scared to be killed by a suicide bombing

I am tired,

So tired.

Tired of seeking a smile on Face book

Tired of looking for freedom just on YouTube

I am tired,

So tired.

Tired of crying for all the years I have lost
And tired of all the coming years with no hope
I am tired
So tired.

Tired of all leaders who have deceived us

Tired of seeing all the people being deceived

I am tired,

So tired.

Ahmad Shafiq Behroozian.

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