Thursday, April 15, 2010

Neoliberalism in Australia

Listed to an important program on Radio National's Late Night Live with Phillip Adams talking with David McKnight and Richard Dennis on the topic "Is neo-liberalism Dead in Australia".

The program was built around the new book edited by David McKnight and Robert Manne titled "Goodbye to All That: On the Failure of Neoliberalism and the Urgency of Change".

Richard Denniss from the Australia Institute argued that neo- liberalism is well and truly alive in Australia. His view is that at the level of macro-economic policy there has been a small departure away from neoliberalism, exemplified by the Rudd Government's stimulus package and its willingness to intervene in the economy to respond to the global economic crises. However, Denniss argues that at the level of micro-economic policy the hold of neoliberalism over the Rudd Government is a strong as ever, if not stronger than before the global crises.

Issues to do with neoliberalism and the domination of 'market based thinking' are the focus of another blog I edit- Challenging the Market- which is a project of the WA Social Justice Network

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